
How to get the most benefit from you college and career counseling office - Student Research Foundation

How Are College Career Counseling Services Changing in Response to the Coronavirus Crisis?

Findings from the National Association of Colleges and Employers Survey

We are grateful to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) for conducting an important new survey about how college career offices are adapting in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Read more

It’s Time for Students to Prepare for Virtual Job Interviews - Student Research Foundation

It’s Time for Students to Prepare for Virtual Job Interviews

As I was taking my garbage cans to the curb yesterday, I asked my neighbor how he was doing in the midst of the current virus crisis.

“I’ve been doing lots of virtual meetings these days,” he said. Read more

Motivate Your Students to Love STEM with these Six Books - Student Research Foundation

Motivate Your Students to Love STEM with these Six Books

Sometimes it takes a great book to get students to fall in love with a field of study. If you are trying to motivate students to become interested in careers in science, technology, engineering or math – STEM – here are some books that could do the trick. Read more

Reading Skills Are the Biggest Predictor of Career Aspirations - Student Research Foundation

Reading Skills Are the Biggest Predictor of Career Aspirations

The OECD’s Latest PISA Study Finds that Around the World, Reading Skills Are the Biggest Predictor of Smart Career Aspirations

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study tested 600,000 15-year-old students in 79 countries on reading, science and mathematics.

What did the OECD study find? One troubling finding was that during the last 10 years, students’ reading skills have not improved significantly in poorer countries, but only in countries that are increasing their spending on education. Those stronger countries include Canada, China, Estonia, Ireland, Finland and Singapore. Read more

What Teachers Can Do When Parents Ask Unethical Questions - Student Research Foundation

What Teachers Can Do When Parents Ask Unethical Questions

Sometimes parents ask teachers to stretch ethical boundaries in ways that seem “small,” like this . . .

“My daughter has never gotten a B on a science test, and you just gave her one,” a mother told a teacher during a tense phone call. “I want you to let her retake the exam, but first I want you to go over the questions she got wrong.”

And sometimes parents make demands that are clearly unethical, like this . . .

“You gave my son a C in physics last term,” a father told a high school teacher. “How did that compare to the median grade you gave to all the students in the class? I want you to increase it to a B.” Read more

To Be Successful, Do Your Students Need to Attend an Ivy League Institution

To Be Successful, Do Your Students Need to Attend an Ivy League Institution?

There are many definitions of success, and that is a good thing. And today, more people are defining success in their own ways.

But for the purposes of this post, let’s define success in a once-common way, even though a growing number of people might no longer see it as valid . . . Read more

What Courses Offer the Fastest Path to a Job Today - Student Research Foundation

What Courses Offer the Fastest Path to a Job Today?

There are economic times when students can afford to start college, take two years to explore different majors before selecting one, and then stay in school for a few more years before they graduate and start looking for their first jobs.

But in recessionary economies like the one we may be entering soon, more students want to get their studies done and enter the working world as quickly as possible. Many of them want to spend just a year or two at a community college. Others attend trade schools and jump quickly into the workforce. Read more

How to Get Burned-Out Students Excited about STEM Studies - Student Research Foundation

How to Get Burned-Out Students Excited about STEM Studies

“Students who are bored or inattentive or who put little effort to schoolwork are unlikely to benefit from better standards, curriculum, and instruction unless schools, teachers, and parents take steps to address their lack of motivation . . .”

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Are Alternative Colleges a Solution for All Students who Don’t Quite Fit the Mold - Student Research Foundation

Are Alternative Colleges a Solution for All Students who Don’t Quite Fit the Mold?

If you’re a high school college guidance counselor, chances are you are thinking that a certain number of your counselees should apply to non-traditional, alternative colleges. You might already be an expert on those colleges and what they offer. If you are not, you are probably thinking that when you have the time, you will investigate non-traditional colleges and make some recommendations about where your students should apply. Read more

We explore the topic of College Admissions Discrimination and what can be done about it - Student Research Foundation

Life Lesson: Colleges and Universities Can Accept or Reject Whomever They Choose

Harvard University made the news recently because it first accepted a student named Kyle Kashuv, and then canceled his acceptance offer after it was discovered that he had posted scathingly racist comments online two years ago, when he was 16.

While Kashuv was a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL, he survived the school shootings there by hiding. Apparently, he posted his racist comments online before the shootings at his school had occurred. Read more