How Valuable Is an Associate's Degree - Student Research Foundation

What Are the Top-Paying Two-Year Degrees?

Money isn’t everything. But if you or a student you know is interested in starting to work in engineering or a related field after only two years of college, it is worth knowing which jobs promise the highest earnings. Read more

Cyber Security Jobs - Explore your career options at Student Research Foundation

Why Business Ethics Should Be Part of Your Cybersecurity Course Plan

Are You Teaching a Course on Cybersecurity?

With more and more American colleges offering courses about cybercrime and letting students major in the subject, you would think that American businesses will soon be able to protect their systems and data with ironclad reliability. Read more

Interested in Engineering Try Out These Free Online Courses - Student Research Foundation

Career Opportunities Abound in Engineering

PayScale’s Salary Report Shows Earning Potential for Engineering Careers

When you start to look at Best Schools for Engineering Majors by Salary Potential, a report from PayScale, the first thing you are apt to think is, “Boy, an awful lot of American colleges and universities offer engineering degrees today.” And a lot of them do. The PayScale report, in fact, offers salary data for graduates of no fewer than 409 American institutions that offer undergraduate engineering degrees. Read more

Bullying Prevention Month - Student Research Foundation

October Is Bullying Prevention Month: Statistics You Should Know

October is Bullying Prevention Month. If you are a teacher or school administrator, here are some statistics from that can help you know where and how you can step in to prevent students from bullying others. Read more

Student Research

New Research Findings: What American Colleges Are Doing to Attract Students

How are 120 American colleges remaining competitive and relevant today in athletics, community relationships, curriculum reform, and other areas they need to succeed? You can find out in “Innovation and the Independent College: Examples from the Sector,” a report that The Council of Independent Colleges published last March. Read more

International Day of the Girl - Student Research Foundation

International Day of the Girl Child

Today is International Day of the Girl Child.  Launched in 2012 by the United Nations as an annual initiative, the day aims to highlight and address the needs and challenges girls face, while promoting the empowerment of girls and young women across the globe. Read more

global math week logo

Global Math Week – Exploding Dots

Several years ago, a team of seven people (see had the bold vision to bring together 1 million students from around the world through a common mathematical experience. Inspired by’s hugely successful “Hour of Code” program, which makes computer coding relevant and fun for millions of students each year, the team believed that it was possible to shift the way the world perceives mathematics, making it more approachable, more enjoyable and meaningful. Read more

Career Testing - Student Research Foundation

Questions to Ask Before Recommending Online Career or Aptitude Tests

If you are a high school or college career or guidance counselor, chances are you are on the lookout for good career and aptitude tests that your counselees can take online. And with good reason. Online tests are instantly available for your students to take, anywhere. Many tests are free (but not all). All the scoring is done for you, so you don’t need to spend time evaluating the tests your counselees have taken. And if a test has been ethically and intelligently constructed, it could just deliver some helpful advice and findings. Read more

Research on Manufacturing Day by the Student Research Foundation

Manufacturing Day: Opening Doors and Minds

Manufacturing Day, an initiative of the Manufacturing Institute, is the nation’s largest one-day celebration of manufacturing.  This annual event, taking place on October 5, 2018, focuses on showing young people, parents and educators the modern dynamics and opportunities a career in manufacturing offers.  For those who can’t make it to a live Manufacturing Day event, or who don’t have any in their area, there’s always the possibility of a virtual event.  Learn more about Manufacturing Day and the significant impact this event has across the nation here.

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STEM Skills to Teach Students before College - Student Research Foundation

What Are the Most Important STEM Skills to Teach Students before College?

What STEM skills should be part of a curriculum for K-12 students?

Many educators think first of courses that teach specific skills like chemistry, math, and physics. Those teachers are right – specific, teachable subjects like those prepare students for college STEM studies and careers.

But what about softer skills and attitudes, which can be defined as abilities that equip students to absorb and apply technical concepts? Read more