
CTE Teachers - Student Research Foundation

Getting Ahead of the Coming Shortage of CTE Teachers

If you walk into a typical American high school and stand outside a classroom where technical subjects are taught, chances are that everything looks like it is humming along beautifully. Eager students come into the classroom in time for their classes to begin, where a knowledgeable and experienced teacher takes up a position at the front of the classroom. And in communities with sufficient funding, everyone is able to start working on computers and other equipment that facilitate the learning process. Read more

How to Get Burned-Out Students Excited about STEM Studies - Student Research Foundation

How to Get Burned-Out Students Excited about STEM Studies

“Students who are bored or inattentive or who put little effort to schoolwork are unlikely to benefit from better standards, curriculum, and instruction unless schools, teachers, and parents take steps to address their lack of motivation . . .”

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CTE Education - Findings from the Student Research Foundation

The Current State of CTE Education

The Current State of CTE Education: Findings from The Student Research Foundation’s 2018 CTE Career Interest Survey

When educators think about Career and Technical Education (CTE), they sometimes assume that opportunities are plentiful for students who choose to focus on technical courses in high school. Their thinking can fall along these lines . . . Read more

Job Satisfaction, Humanities Graduates Are Nearly on a Par with Engineering Graduates - Student Research Foundation

In Success and Job Satisfaction, Humanities Graduates Are Nearly on a Par with Engineering Graduates

Do you know any educators who are advising future college students to focus on engineering and technical fields, and to stay away from the arts and the humanities? Read more

New Research about Applying to College and Helping People - Student Research Foundation

Why “I’m Applying to College” Should Not Be the Motivation for Helping People

Why do high school students take the time to volunteer and help people?

Many of them, if not most, have a sincere desire to do good in the world. However, as most teachers, parents and counselor know, many are also motivated by the need to do things that make them look good to the colleges where they are applying. Read more

The Great Robotics Switcheroo - Student Research Foundation

The Great Robotics Switcheroo

Ah, robotics!

Few areas of CTE training and education are so full of romance. When you say the word “robot,” students start to think about anthropomorphic robots that walk around in sci-fi movies. They think about battle robots that fight each other on cool television shows. Or they think about teaming up with fellow students to enter a robotics competition by designing a robot that will walk around on Mars, perform surgery on patients in operating rooms, or enter a building and defuse a bomb. Read more

Research study on High School students who want to major in Computer Science in college - Student Research Foundation

Research on Students Who Plan to Study Computer Science in College

Students Who Plan to Study Computer Science in College Still Need Lots of Career Advice

The Student Research Foundation asked 267,363 American high school students about their career plans. Of those students, 33,535 expressed interest in computer careers.

That sounds about right, doesn’t it? But the study also uncovered something that borders on the shocking . . . Read more

Are Early Bloomer Students on Your Radar - Student Research Foundation

Are Early Bloomer Students on Your Radar?

Late bloomers command a lot of attention from teachers, guidance counselors and parents. Perhaps that’s to be expected. Late bloomers seem to need the most help to decide their preferred subjects and majors, to bring their grades up, to pick colleges to apply to . . . and to just generally get themselves on track. Read more

Stats on AP Classes and Exams - Student Research Foundation

Decoding the Fast-Changing World of AP Classes and Exams

On February 11, the College Board released statistics that show, beyond a doubt, that participation in its AP program has increased substantially over the last decade.

Here’s some of the news that the College Board shared: Read more

Student Research Identifies Physics Fans" Who Have an Affection for Physics

New Student Research Identifies “Physics Fans” Who Have an Affection for Physics

New Student Research Foundation Study Finds that Students from All Backgrounds Feel the Same Way about Physics

In 2017, the Student Research Foundation asked 16,129 American high school students how they felt about the STEM subjects they were studying. The research was conducted in collaboration with our STEM Research Consortium partners, the American Association of Physics Teachers, National Girls Collaborative Project, and the National Association of Biology Teachers.
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