
What Influences High School Students to Become Teachers - Student Research Foundation

What Influences High School Students to Become Teachers?

Research Findings . . .

If you are a teacher, you know how exciting it is to hear one of your students say, “I want to become a teacher someday.”

Those words tell you that a lot of things have gone right with that student’s education. He or she finds learning exciting, believes in the classroom experience, wants to give something back to the world by teaching young people . . . and also admires you and the work you are doing.

Those are all great messages to be getting from a student you have influenced.

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Reading Skills Are the Biggest Predictor of Career Aspirations - Student Research Foundation

Reading Skills Are the Biggest Predictor of Career Aspirations

The OECD’s Latest PISA Study Finds that Around the World, Reading Skills Are the Biggest Predictor of Smart Career Aspirations

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study tested 600,000 15-year-old students in 79 countries on reading, science and mathematics.

What did the OECD study find? One troubling finding was that during the last 10 years, students’ reading skills have not improved significantly in poorer countries, but only in countries that are increasing their spending on education. Those stronger countries include Canada, China, Estonia, Ireland, Finland and Singapore. Read more

Who Needs a Female STEM Role Model - Student Research Foundation

Who Needs a Female STEM Role Model?

Microsoft Study: High School-Age Girls Benefit from Female STEM Role Models

We have all seen those illustrated books that are meant to inspire girls when they are in elementary and middle school – those biographies of scientists like Marie Curie and Sally Ride. By the time girls get to high school, they aren’t reading books like those any longer. But does that mean that by the time girls reach high school, they no longer need role models to motivate them to enter STEM careers Read more

Learn Project Management Skills in High School - Student Research Foundation

Learn Project Management Skills in High School

Research Findings . . .  

Students who will succeed in their lives and careers should study some fundamental subjects in high school. They should study computer science, civics, history, math, chemistry, physics, writing, and project management.

Wait, how did project management make that list? After all, how many high schools teach the skills needed to plan and manage complex projects? That is a good question. In many cases, project management kind of sneaks in when a teacher of another subject has the ability to guide students as they plan their research, group assignments, and writing of papers. Read more

21 Careers for the 21st Century - Student Research Foundation

Do High School Students Think about Their Careers?

“The students I teach seem to fall into two distinct groups,” says Carla, a high school teacher in New Jersey. “Some of them seem paralyzed with worry about what they want to do with their lives, while others never seem to think about it at all.” Read more

Student Maturity Can Mislead High School Teachers - Student Research Foundation

Why Impressions of Student Maturity Can Mislead High School Educators

As soon as the 2019-20 school year began, a high school English teacher was very impressed with the maturity exhibited by one of the female students in her class. The student was poised, comfortable in her interactions with other students, and articulate. But when the student turned in her first paper, the teacher was surprised because the student didn’t write or structure her paper well. How could that be, when she seemed so mature? Read more

National Center for Women & Information Technology a Student Research Foundation Partner

Partner Profile: National Center for Women & Information Technology

The Student Research Foundation is proud to be a partner organization of the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT), an organization dedicated to increasing opportunities for women in information technology. Read more

Research study on High School students who want to major in Computer Science in college - Student Research Foundation

Nine Policies to Increase Computer Science Learning at the State Level

The 2019 State of Computer Science Education, a nationwide study conducted by the Advocacy Coalition, the Computer Science Teachers Association and the Expanding Computing Education Pathways Alliance, found that two conflicting trends are at work in computer science as it is taught in American high schools. Read more

Research Findings What Parents Think They Know about Protecting their Children Online - Student Research Foundation

Research Findings: What Parents Think They Know about Protecting their Children Online

In 2018, the Student Research Foundation partnered with the Research Consortium on Digital Safety & Cyber Security Careers to complete “Caution: Safety in a Digital World,” a survey of 710 parents of middle school and high school students. Our researchers asked those parents what they knew about protecting their children online, what they thought they knew, and more.

Here is a summary of our findings . . . Read more

New Research Findings: Students from Different Backgrounds Consume Internet News in Different Ways

A high school teacher recently told a group of fellow educators, “Some of my students are much more aware of what is going on in the world than other students are. I’ve been assuming the best-informed students are those who have better access to the Internet at home, but is that really the case?” Read more