
Google Courses - are they good for college credit

Are You Paying for College but Getting Google Courses Instead?

The Googlization of College Education Is Underway . . .

You or your students could very well be paying tuition dollars and getting courses that have been developed and distributed by Google. But after we have done some research, we believe that is not necessarily a bad thing.

Here is some information you should know . . . Read more

2021 image of masks

Will 2021 Be a Good or Bad Year to Transfer Colleges?

The idea of transferring from one college to another has always been on students’ minds, and chances are it always will. Students who are just starting their first college year think, “Well, if things don’t work out at the college I have chosen, I can always transfer.” And students who are in their second, third or later years of college think of transferring too, for many reasons. Some would like to transfer to a college that offers stronger instruction in their chosen major. Others transfer for financial reasons. The list of reasons is a large and as varied as students are. Read more

college campus quad

Why College Could Become Even Further Beyond the Reach of Underprivileged Students

“What this means is that the American Dream for many low-income students has been deferred, perhaps permanently. Young people not born to well-off families will not surpass their parents in income and home ownership, they will not surge into promising careers, and they will not trust the American system to do right by them.”

– Source: “New Data: College Enrollment for Low-Income High School Grads Plunged by 29% During the Pandemic” by Richard Whitmire, the blog, December 10, 2020 Read more

A study of Online Colleges Quality and Value - Student Research Foundation

Are Online Colleges Approaching Regular Colleges in Quality and Value?

Are online colleges improving the quality of education they provide? Are more of their students completing four years of study and graduating? And are online colleges becoming fully viable options for students who, due to factors such as having children or being employed, want to complete all their coursework online? Read more

How Valuable Is an Associate's Degree - Student Research Foundation

How Valuable Is an Associate’s Degree?

Associate’s degrees could represent one of the most significant educational bargains today. Some students are saving money by earning these degrees at community colleges, then transferring to state schools and private universities. The result is a big reduction in educational costs. Still other students are earning associate’s degrees, then going on to matriculate in colleges after they have worked for a few years and saved enough money to pay for tuition and other costs. And then there are students who simply earn associate’s degrees, start working, and never feel the need to return to college. Read more

Finish college in 3 years to Save 25% of Your College Costs - Student Research Foundation

Want to Save 25% of Your College Costs?

Finish College in Three Years

With college costs soaring to new heights, completing college in three years is becoming more attractive. It’s basic math. If you finish an undergraduate degree in three years instead of four, you will save something on the order of one-quarter of your college expenses. Read more