
Who Needs a Female STEM Role Model - Student Research Foundation

Who Needs a Female STEM Role Model?

Microsoft Study: High School-Age Girls Benefit from Female STEM Role Models

We have all seen those illustrated books that are meant to inspire girls when they are in elementary and middle school – those biographies of scientists like Marie Curie and Sally Ride. By the time girls get to high school, they aren’t reading books like those any longer. But does that mean that by the time girls reach high school, they no longer need role models to motivate them to enter STEM careers Read more

Is the College Admissions Fraud Scandal Only the Tip of the Cheating Ice Burg - Student Research Foundation

Is the College Admissions Fraud Scandal Only the Tip of the Cheating Iceberg?

A growing number of parents have now been convicted and sentenced in the U.S. college cheating scandal. But does that mean that all the cheaters have been caught, all the scams have been uncovered, and the problem is on its way to being solved?

It would be both illogical and incorrect to think so. So many varieties of small-level cheating take place every day, everywhere, in situations like these: Read more

Learn Project Management Skills in High School - Student Research Foundation

Learn Project Management Skills in High School

Research Findings . . .  

Students who will succeed in their lives and careers should study some fundamental subjects in high school. They should study computer science, civics, history, math, chemistry, physics, writing, and project management.

Wait, how did project management make that list? After all, how many high schools teach the skills needed to plan and manage complex projects? That is a good question. In many cases, project management kind of sneaks in when a teacher of another subject has the ability to guide students as they plan their research, group assignments, and writing of papers. Read more

21 Careers for the 21st Century - Student Research Foundation

Do High School Students Think about Their Careers?

“The students I teach seem to fall into two distinct groups,” says Carla, a high school teacher in New Jersey. “Some of them seem paralyzed with worry about what they want to do with their lives, while others never seem to think about it at all.” Read more

To Be Successful, Do Your Students Need to Attend an Ivy League Institution

To Be Successful, Do Your Students Need to Attend an Ivy League Institution?

There are many definitions of success, and that is a good thing. And today, more people are defining success in their own ways.

But for the purposes of this post, let’s define success in a once-common way, even though a growing number of people might no longer see it as valid . . . Read more

What Courses Offer the Fastest Path to a Job Today - Student Research Foundation

What Courses Offer the Fastest Path to a Job Today?

There are economic times when students can afford to start college, take two years to explore different majors before selecting one, and then stay in school for a few more years before they graduate and start looking for their first jobs.

But in recessionary economies like the one we may be entering soon, more students want to get their studies done and enter the working world as quickly as possible. Many of them want to spend just a year or two at a community college. Others attend trade schools and jump quickly into the workforce. Read more

How to Get Burned-Out Students Excited about STEM Studies - Student Research Foundation

How to Get Burned-Out Students Excited about STEM Studies

“Students who are bored or inattentive or who put little effort to schoolwork are unlikely to benefit from better standards, curriculum, and instruction unless schools, teachers, and parents take steps to address their lack of motivation . . .”

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CTE Education - Findings from the Student Research Foundation

The Current State of CTE Education

The Current State of CTE Education: Findings from The Student Research Foundation’s 2018 CTE Career Interest Survey

When educators think about Career and Technical Education (CTE), they sometimes assume that opportunities are plentiful for students who choose to focus on technical courses in high school. Their thinking can fall along these lines . . . Read more

Cyber Security Jobs - Explore your career options at Student Research Foundation

Are Cyber Security Careers a Good Choice for Long-Term Employment?

Is a Cyber Security Career a Good Choice for Today’s Students?

There’s no doubt that cybercriminals are working hard to steal identities and data, and that they are often succeeding.

What are they up to? Here are some of today’s most prevalent cybercrimes, as listed in Symantec’s Internet Security Threat Report 2019: Read more

Why the SAT and ACT Tests Are Not Going to Go Away Soon - Student Research Foundation

College Aptitude Tests: New Ways to Think about the SAT and ACT

“The Truth about the SAT and ACT,” an article that Nathan Kuncel and Paul Sackett published in The Wall Street Journal on March 8, 2018, provides a wealth of new insights into standardized tests.

We all thought we understood those tests, correct? Most of us conceptualized them in this way: Read more