

Being a parent of a student can be a lot of work! We’re stepping in to help provide insight, resources and financial assistance. By giving back info on further education and career pathways for your student , the Student Research Foundation hopes to make your job a lot easier.

Our Scholarship

One of the more difficult parts of higher education is affording the growing associated costs. We’re here to help with our Personal Achievement Scholarship!

Helpful Information

Our research is helpful in determining the higher education and career pathway trends present in today’s youth. We’ll provide you with the latest research on STEM, Health & Science and Technical Education.

Check out research section!

Trusted Resources

With the help of our research partners, we’ve put together a list of resources that will help you and your child.

Check them out here!

High School Classroom during the pandemic

Teaching in a Pandemic: 3 Resources for Surviving and Thriving

As teachers persevere bravely through the resurgence of COVID-19,…
College Campus at Night

Positive Educational Trends that Have Emerged from the Pandemic

When you ask a group of college administrators to summarize the…
college student studying online

What Do Distance Learners Want from their Colleges?

A new survey from SurveyMonkey provides answers For years,…

Who We Serve