Research on the Consequences of Bullying:

From the Classroom to the Workplace

Research Overview:

The objective of this research initiative is to generate information that will inspire parents, educators, and counselors to establish a dynamic dialog with high school students about issues of bullying, inclusive of cyberbullying, particularly as it could have longer range effects on students’ well-being in life and impact on their career pathways.  Research has shown that more than 4 in every 10 teens have experienced cyberbullying. Bullying can have lasting impacts for both victims and bullies, emotionally, and in the case of cyberbullying what’s on the internet is “forever” and may be seen by future employers as well as having other consequences.  Many people have also experienced workplace bullying or cyberbullying in various forms.  These experiences can have deleterious effects on workplace performance and career paths, exacting a human toll on both victims and perpetrators, and creating hostile work environments detrimental to organizations’ success.


We aim to gather credible, existing information as well as to digitally survey various audiences to gain their perspectives on how bullying impacts career choices and the pursuit of career paths.  These audiences may include: (1) Current Educators/Counselors. (2) Parents of High School Students, (3) Students inclusive of Adult Learners, and (4) People in the Workplace

Roles of Partners:

Recognizing the value of collaboration, we invite partners to participate in our research.  Partners may contribute to shaping queries and drawing out actionable information from the research to help counteract bullying and its impact, with the goal of improving people’s lives and enhancing the unfettered pursuit of career paths.  We also invite partners to reach out to key audiences to garner participation in the joint research process.  Furthermore, we will discuss priorities for the research and for communicating the results to key audiences, as well as jointly seeking funding.  The Student Research Foundation will provide focus, on-going project management, and execution of the digital survey(s) and data analyses.

Expected Outcomes:

The results of the research, when communicated broadly, will inspire students, parents, educators, counselors, and other adults to openly discuss ways to reduce bullying’s impact, inclusive of cyberbullying, and improve both quality of life as well as success in career paths.  The Student Research Foundation will take the lead in generating infographics and brief digital reports, which will be produced rapidly upon survey completion and shared through our collective communications channels.  The information generated from the research will also support the mission and success of each collaborating organization in their specific, related initiatives.  Collectively, we can make a positive impact!

Participate in the study:

Visit the Student Research Foundation for information about career, academic, and life pathways.  For more information about this initiative, or others currently underway please contact us.