
How Valuable Is an Associate's Degree - Student Research Foundation

How Valuable Is an Associate’s Degree?

Associate’s degrees could represent one of the most significant educational bargains today. Some students are saving money by earning these degrees at community colleges, then transferring to state schools and private universities. The result is a big reduction in educational costs. Still other students are earning associate’s degrees, then going on to matriculate in colleges after they have worked for a few years and saved enough money to pay for tuition and other costs. And then there are students who simply earn associate’s degrees, start working, and never feel the need to return to college. Read more

How Are Certifications Affecting the Lives of Working Americans? - Student Research Foundation

How Are Postsecondary Certifications Affecting the Lives of Working Americans?

How are CTE certificates affecting the way people work in America?

We recently spent some time researching current CTE data compiled by the National Center for Educational Statistics. They provide some thought-provoking insights into how certifications are changing the way Americas live and work. Read more

How Google’s Expanded College Search Will Affect Colleges and their Applicants - Student Research Foundation

How Will Google’s Expanded College Search Affect Colleges and their Applicants?

If you Google the name of a college or university today, you will be surprised to discover that a lot more information appears than did only a few months ago. That is because Google is now putting up a lot more data about American Colleges and Universities, some of which comes from the U.S. Department of Education’s Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Google is also serving up a variety of data about colleges that it appears to have generated internally. Read more

Manufacturing Careers Research by Student Research Foundation

What Influences Students to Enter Manufacturing Careers?

Findings from the “Attracting the Next Generation of Students” Study

What influences students to enroll in career and technical education (CTE) courses that lead to employment in manufacturing? Read more

Good Skilled Jobs - Student Research Foundation

While Students Compete to Get into College, Good Skilled Jobs Remain Unfilled

NPR News Reports that While Students Compete to Get into College, Good Skilled Jobs Remain Unfilled

“High-Paying Trade Jobs Sit Empty, While High School Grads Line Up for University,” a story aired on NPR News on April 25, 2018, presents some compelling evidence that reinforces an important lesson . . .

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Jobs of Tomorrow - Student Research Foundation

Is Company-Funded Training the Missing Link in Building Tech Careers?

When deciding what courses they should be offering, colleges often use a simple process of subtraction . . .

The skills workers need

  • – minus the skills their college teaches
  • = equals the skills they should be teaching, but are not

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Finish college in 3 years to Save 25% of Your College Costs - Student Research Foundation

Want to Save 25% of Your College Costs?

Finish College in Three Years

With college costs soaring to new heights, completing college in three years is becoming more attractive. It’s basic math. If you finish an undergraduate degree in three years instead of four, you will save something on the order of one-quarter of your college expenses. Read more

Certification Programs: The “Missing Link” in Higher Education - Student Research Foundation

Certification Programs: The “Missing Link” in Higher Education

Are you a career counselor or a parent? Or are you someone who is hoping to pursue a career in a specialized field like teaching, accounting or patient care? If so, perhaps you should know more about certification programs. Read more

Geometry Formulas - Pi Day Celebrations at Student Research Foundation

Basic Geometry Formulas Every Student Should Know

With Pi Day coming up on March 14, 2018, this is a good time to review the most important Geometry formulas that every student should learn in high school. Read more

Jobs that Don’t Require a College Degree - Student Research Foundation

Jobs that Don’t Require a Degree from a Four-Year College

On January 11, 2017, Susannah Snider published “25 Best Jobs that Don’t Require a College Degree” in U.S. News. The jobs she listed were . . . Read more