
People Who Act Like Students but aren't - Student Research Foundation

Colleges Deal with Young People Who Act Like Students, But Aren’t

“College Dropout Refuses to Leave Her Dorm Room,” an article that Julie Marsh and Ruthie Weissman published in The New York Post on Feb. 28th, tells the story of Lisa S. Palmer, a student who reportedly dropped out of Hunter College two years ago, but refuses to vacate her dorm room. The article reports that Ms. Palmer, who is 32 years of age, has now run up $94,000 in unpaid resident fees. The school is having a hard time cooking up a legal strategy for ousting her. From her side of the dispute, Ms. Palmer claims that she has a right to occupy the room because the school, due to some mix-up, refused to let her re-register back in 2016. So she is just going to stay there. Read more

Thinking about Applying to Community Colleges - Data from the Student Research Foundation

Which High School Students Are Thinking about Applying to Community Colleges?

Key findings from the Student Research Foundation’s new study of high school students who are thinking about college

Which high school students are thinking of applying to community colleges?

Chances are you have some preconceptions about the answers to that question, and some of them could be true. But chances are that some of your views are not correct, as you will probably learn when you review findings from “High School Students: Aspiring to Community Colleges,” a study of high school students conducted by the Student Research Foundation during the 2015-16 academic year. Read more