
Applying to Colleges that Are Financially Healthy

Helping Your Students Apply for Financial Aid? Don’t Forget to File the FAFSA

If you are advising a student who needs help paying for college, remember that the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is something that you should file.

The FAFSA is a form that the Government provides online to help colleges understand a family’s financial picture and to determine eligibility for federal, state and school-sponsored financial aid.  Read more

Unclaimed Scholarship Dollars Are Available. Can They Help You Attend College This Year - Student Research Foundation

How Your Students with Special Interests Can Get Extra Help with College Admissions and Funding in 2023

In the eyes of many college admissions officials, the “perfect” applicant is a student who has a top GPA, near-perfect scores on the ACT or SAT tests, and whose family is ready and able to pay full tuition.

Yes, applicants who meet those criteria will not have any problem getting into the colleges of their choice. But let’s face reality. How many students are you teaching or counseling who can meet all those criteria? Chances are, very few. But the good news today is that because colleges are working hard to fill their incoming classes, there are plenty of colleges out there who are eager to admit students who don’t necessarily hit all those high benchmarks.

Many of today’s colleges want your students, just the way they are. And in today’s post, we will explain how “imperfect” students can still be admitted to great colleges of their choice. Read more

Finish college in 3 years to Save 25% of Your College Costs - Student Research Foundation

Are These College Scholarships on Your Radar?

Are you a high school student, a parent, a teacher, or a college counselor? Remember, it is never too early to start researching sources of financial aid. 

First, speak to the financial aid officers at the colleges you are considering. Take notes and follow their advice and instructions. Don’t overlook important details, such as application deadlines.  Read more

student walking on a college campus - student research foundation

The Backlash Continues Against US News College Rankings

The recent revelation that Columbia University – that’s right, that Columbia University, the one that is a pillar of the Ivy League – was misreporting data to USNews has further discredited the college rankings that are published there. 

Can anyone continue to believe that the USNews rankings, which once were considered valuable by students, parents, and guidance counselors, contain information that is accurate or reliable?  Read more

Unable to Repay a Federal Student Loan - Worried Person

Have You Been Unable to Repay a Federal Student Loan? Help Could Be Coming Soon

Today, the Department of Education announced steps that will bring borrowers closer to public service loan and income-driven repayment (IDR) forgiveness by addressing historical failures in the administration of the federal student loan programs. Federal Student Aid (FSA) estimates that these changes will result in immediate debt cancellation for at least 40,000 borrowers under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program. Several thousand borrowers with older loans will also receive forgiveness through IDR. More than 3.6 million borrowers will also receive at least three years of additional credit toward IDR forgiveness.”

The U.S. Department of Education

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Stalling on College Applications? These Tactics Should Help - Student Research Foundation

Students Are Becoming More Practical when Applying to College

Findings from the New Inside Higher Ed Survey

“My older son, who is graduating from an elite college this year, was most looking for high status in the colleges he put on his list five years ago. Now our daughter, who is just as accomplished academically, is thinking about costs and the careers that colleges can prepare her for. It looks like a new era of practicality has dawned.”

– Jaime, a mother who lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia

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The State of American Education Some Statistics You Should Know from USA Facts a summary by the Student Research Foundation

The State of American Education: Some Statistics You Should Know from USA Facts

USA Facts is an organization that compiles statistics about dozens of areas of American life: employment, the pandemic, climate change, and more. For educators, a visit to the USA Facts page of statistics on American education is a real eye-opener, full of surprises and facts that provide a newly informed perspective. Read more

college campus quad

Why College Could Become Even Further Beyond the Reach of Underprivileged Students

“What this means is that the American Dream for many low-income students has been deferred, perhaps permanently. Young people not born to well-off families will not surpass their parents in income and home ownership, they will not surge into promising careers, and they will not trust the American system to do right by them.”

– Source: “New Data: College Enrollment for Low-Income High School Grads Plunged by 29% During the Pandemic” by Richard Whitmire, the blog, December 10, 2020 Read more

College Campus at Night

Positive Educational Trends that Have Emerged from the Pandemic

When you ask a group of college administrators to summarize the effects that the pandemic has had on their institutions, most of them are likely to use adjectives like, negative, threatening, horrible, terrible, and even catastrophic.

There’s a reason for those answers. Thanks to the pandemic, many colleges have seen enrollments fall, spent too much of the funds they had available to offer students for financial aid, lost their valuable foreign students, had to put building and expansion plans on hold, and experienced a host of other problems. Read more

Going Back to Campus Consider these Safer Alternatives to Living in a Dorm - Student Research Foundation

Going Back to Campus? Consider these Safer Alternatives to Living in a Dorm

Are you, like thousands of other college students, waiting to get the word that classes are about to start again on campus?

That will be an exciting day. But even though you are eager to get to campus, we would like to ask you . . .

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